Breakfast(s) of Champions (Breakfast on the Run)


by Kim Brown

When I can’t stop to heat up/ blend/ toast one of the other breakfasts we talked about this week, I still have a backup.

On batch-cooking days I make hard-boiled eggs.

How to hard-boiled eggs: put a dozen eggs in the bottom of a saucepan. They can touch, but you shouldn’t have to cram them in. Fill the pan with enough water to completely submerge the eggs. Add a bit of salt and cover the pan. Bring the water to a boil over medium-high heat and then turn off and remove from heat. Leave the cover on and let the eggs sit for about 20 minutes. Remove them from the hot water, dunk them in cool water, and then peel them. I generally peel 4-6 eggs at a time, so that when I want one it’s ready to go with just a dash of salt.

A piece of fruit and an egg will keep me going for at least a couple of hours and take less than a minute to get together.